I’m messy. Highly doubt this comes as any surprise since I tell on myself weekly doing this pod. I wish I could be tidy and I have brief moments of it but nope. My closet is more a loose idea than a firm container, why have one altar when a coffee table or window ledge can be one, and coats can be piled upon a chair between wears, that kind of thing.
I try. I change my ways and yet inevitably I reach a breaking point and have to call in reinforcements or ask for help creating new systems to adhere to. Effy made me feel a lot better about this and made me see some links between neurodivergence and the quest for order.
It shouldn’t be super surprising if your brain struggles to have order that you might see that play out elsewhere in your life and yet….I also love that a big part of Effy’s approach is being organized doesn’t make you a better person. She doesn’t approach any of this from a place of morality. She wants everyone to access more of the life they want with less of the clutter. Seems doable to me.
Tell me, are you organized or messy? How do you maintain order in your own life biz or professional? Tips tricks, PLZ and I say this I think for everyone drop them in the comments.
xx. A
Things I’m thinking about:
The timing of this article
I’m a Hay fan in general but these are very helpful
So I excel at professional organization even if I fail at personal. I am a BIG fan of these and these. Lots of stuff I am working on I create an index card color coded system around it, that eventually I digitize in some manner but I like being able to move things around and put my hands on it. It helps me figure out what I am dealing with to then organize it. The flags I use to mark anything I want to come back and will write a one word prompt on it as to why it pinged my brain.
Effy talks about tying rewards to routine and this cutting board makes me cook more and this sponge makes me wash my dishes.
This isn’t just a hype list for Coming Soon, but they do happen to carry these ceramics from Mexico that I love and I use a plate to organize all my burnables on my coffee table.
Cleaning, organizing and handy person service I used in NYC with VERY reasonable rates.
I feel very seen by
and have found a lot of info that helps me work best with my brain.
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