Does anyone else forget we’re living on a planet that’s part of a larger solar system? Because I forget about it literally all the time. This isn’t where I out myself as a flat earth’er. If I think too much about it, and I have no clue why this is, my brain immediately shows me images from the movie Melancholia. I could waste time in therapy examining that but I’ve just got too much other stuff to address! Can you imagine what it felt like to figure that out? What the first astronomers thought and felt? There’s evidence of early astronomy as far back as 1000 BCE, and according to here regarding astrology’s invention, “…The practice probably began as soon as humans first started to observe astronomical cycles, with some of the earliest evidence dating from the 3rd millennium BCE. Throughout much of history, and up until the 17th century, astrology was considered an academic discipline across much of Eurasia.”
I was listening to a podcast recently where a fella said something to the effect of we assume everyone who came before us was dumber than we are but they weren’t they just had less information. A lovely sentiment especially for ancient practices we still use today.
Whenever someone makes fun of or questions the validity of tarot, astrology, spirituality etc. (fill in the blank of whatever traditionally feminine and non-white field someone is discussing with derision) I think of the same fear people must have felt many moons ago when they had no clue what the fuck was up ever. A lot of hunches and clues but few facts and truths. We’re usually jerks about things that could reveal truth. We assume any woman seeking truth is a witch and the like.
Does information bring you peace, or disturb it? I am decidedly pro-information as a pathway to peace. I want to arm myself with what I can you know? Who doesn’t want more information on how to get what you want out of life and astrology offers a whole lot of it. I love astrology but my god it’s complicated and a lot of plates spinning in the air (or sky) at once. This is why I’m thrilled so many of you love Vanessa and her work and that she generously shares it with us. We both would have been burned at the stake in ye olden times and today can podcast instead. Progress!
xx. A
Vanessa’s Thinking About:
On pod, we discussed religion and its potential role in the next iteration of cosmic shifting. For research, I've been checking out the work of Bad Pastor and the Jewitches
We also talked about fortifying the nervous system for Pluto in Aquarius, and just like that Worts + Cunning Apothecary dropped a nervous system guide. It will be needed.
I am a Sable stan, but I just LOVE her writing so here is her Substack "Hard Feelings" She has a book coming out soon-ish. Big yay for that.
Also, I was never a fiction gal but I am finding that all I want to do is read stories. I encourage everyone to temper their seeking with analogue escapism, it's working wonders for my nervous system.
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