Nothing like facing the fear of recording an episode all by your lonesome on December 28th just under the wire of 2022. I talk a little about what I learned last year, why I don’t do resolutions and prefer intentions and then get strangely choked up at the end. Sincerity will get me every time!
A ride from me to you. A party for all involved.
To complete this hodgepodge of an episode a sampling of photos from my Italian adventure because I don’t think I terrorized enough people with them, and some other stuff I felt like sharing with ya’ll.
It’s my greatest wish this year exceeds all of our expectations for joy, ease, creativity, peace and happiness. It really is. In the meantime let’s be silly gooses (silly geese doesn’t feel right don’t @ me) while we pass the time.
xx. A
Some Non-Italian things:
I feel like every week I tell you what I’m into so I’ll spare you a big ole recap….however I started bringing a film camera with me more places and recommend it. It’s been really interesting to me whether it’s looking at my phone or my photos what caught my eye this year. Rest assured a lot of it was very absurd.
Thanks to angel bb Bridget Badore I found out about Photodom and highly recommend them for all things photo related.
I started rolling the dice and just buying some random film and love this one and this one. I bought this point and shoot and love it and have gotten into the habit of buying some waterproof disposable cameras every summer and find that all very fun.
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