This is Roxanne’s Substack, a newsletter about what I’m wearing, using, where I’m going and what I’m working on at T&C. And a little bit of what's on my mind too…
In clogs with a blog, wild at heart, and publicly learning to love myself. These letters make frequent stops at personal histories, relationships, communal living, and self-fulfillment. It ain't much but it's honest work.
Contemporary art delivered daily to your inbox from Danielle Krysa, the founder of The Jealous Curator, and best-selling author of several books on art & creativity.
A newsletter about movies, tv, the celebrity industrial complex, and personal pop culture obsessions. Delivered twice a week to your inbox, written by Hunter Harris.
This is the home of two newsletters. Paid subscribers get Cheryl's Dear Sugar Letter monthly, plus her free newsletter several times a year, which includes her "Tells Us" author series. Free subscribers get everything but the monthly Dear Sugar Letter.
Advice and wisdom from Heather Havrilesky, published since 2012 (formerly at The Awl and NY Magazine). Paid subscribers receive 1-2 weekly posts on how to navigate our broken world with compassion, realism, and an open heart.
CRAFT TALK is a weekly newsletter about writing, creativity and productivity from author Jami Attenberg. This is also the home of #1000wordsofsummer, where, once a year, we write 1000 words a day together for two weeks straight. (In 2024 it begins 6/1!)
Essays, criticism, and interviews on food, culture, and media sent out on Monday morning. Subscribers receive every post in full, are invited to join the weekly Salon and Desk Book Club, and much more.