Today is the summer solstice which feels like an auspicious day for this episode to release! The solstice was often a huge celebration in ancient times, and still is today. It wasn’t just as an excuse to party but because nothing was more important or valued than light. They lit bonfires to encourage the sun to remain for a fruitful harvest. When they had no science they feared when the sun disappeared and did rituals to seek protection for when it wasn’t around. Imagine that kind of relationship with the world or seasons? Did our ancient ancestors just live in a constant fear state 24/7 or were they too busy getting everything done before sundown to even contemplate it?
Our relationship with the sun may have changed but the summer solstice is still a good time pause and ask yourself what are you ready to bring to light? What’s ready to shine in your world? What are you hoping to harvest in the Fall? What are you ready to let go of so you don’t bring into the darkness of winter? What are you afraid of in the dark?
It’s a cosmic mid-point that supports a pretty solid fear check in.
Are your fears close to the surface? Are they sneaky and trick you into thinking they’re not there?
It’s so easy to call fear something else. It’s also pretty easy to find ourselves frozen in fear. So what’s the fear about? Wasting our time? Looking foolish? Choosing poorly?
Probably all of the above and very little of its rational.
We talk all about about it in Ep. 30 Fear and how we’re trying to lean Georgia O’Keefe in her infamous quote “I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do,” but it feels so hard to do so.
How do we pursue fearlessness in a pretty scary world? We have some thoughts and as per usual we’re offering them and welcome yours.
P.S. Would you cradle an octopus in your hand?
Acupuncture is amazing for lots of reasons, but did you know they often recommend or create herbal formulas to help support the treatment? They’re very helpful.
Herbalist Sister Spinster talks a lot about how any heart opener also has a boundary or protective element, roses are a great example. They bloom freely trusting their thorns to protect them. We love this formula for wading into the unknown.
What happened to you? Great question and super helpful book.
But…what is it?
The biology of fear
Or maybe just chill