Do you know what sexuality is? For real… like outside the context of just sex. It seems like most of us missed the lesson that sex is a physical expression of sexuality but not the whole story. Were you ever taught your sexuality is yours independent of anyone else? We definitely weren’t.
It’s a lovely coincidence this episode releases during Pride. We didn’t plan it that way but should have. It’s not enough to say love is love anymore. It’s never been more important to advocate for everyone’s sexual freedom and right to bodily autonomy.
If violence can’t counter hate maybe pleasure can. It certainly couldn’t hurt right now. There’s a power to sexuality and the embracing of it that scares people. If you really felt your sexual power and ability to create in a deep primal way what would you do? If you removed shame from sexuality would your walk change? Would your confidence?
Gender roles, homophobia, rigid definitions of sexuality, TERFS, toxic masculinity etc. it bogs us all down. The term sexual revolution first appeared in print in 1929, but most of us attribute it to the 60’s/70’s. If we keep wondering if we need a sexual revolution maybe we do. How can you liberate yourself? What would be your own revolution? How can you contribute to another’s?
Ep. 29 Sexuality is one our parents can skip but we hope you don’t and tell us what you’ve discovered about your sexuality.
Damiana makes everything feel a bit more sparkly. For woo’ing yourself. Sip it.
A hundred years inside has had a lot of people questioning their sexual identity so if you are, or learned something new about yourself, you’re not alone.
Yes we know we mention Lord Cowboy every other episode however when she titles an essay “Maybe we are practicing dying when we are fucking and that’s why we like it so much” can you blame us? Whew. It’s an incredible piece.
There’s things to be learned from experiencing people
We’re supporting Unstained Zine’s kickstarter because we need new resources for women + non-binary people around connecting to their bodies. Too many people benefit when we don’t like ourselves.
Be a slut do whatever you want, half jk but Trixie Mattel’s advice is great for getting what you want in life or in your bedroom.
Dreading when your kids start asking questions? We got you.
How to Practice Sex Magic is up on the site for members
They’re right we should know these trans and non-binary artists