Is it fair to say we’ve all got a weird relationship with selfishness? The options feel limiting. We fear being selfish so much we end up unhappy through forms of self denial. Another option, we won’t examine at all where we’re selfish. Maybe it feels too charged, too shameful to confirm the suspicion we are selfish and inevitably we end up goblins to those around us operating solely focused on our experience.
When did we become so sneaky in a society that is so blatantly built on selfishness?
Our ability to be truly selfless is pretty finite and yet a lot of us when we hear “you’re being selfish” are really bothered by it.
Is it an accusation we all have to just come to terms with? Sometimes we will choose ourselves and someone won’t like it and that’s okay? We will all live?
Is calling someone selfish meant to induce shame that could lead to compliance?Maybe.
Are we ashamed of really wanting to come first in our own lives?
Could be.
Are some of the happiest people we know some of the most selfish?
There’s definitely one or two that make a case for it….
Where we netted out was, is it selfish when we take care of or prioritize ourselves? Yes! but is that inherently a bad thing? No!
However and a BIG however if all you think about is you, your needs, wants and emotions maybe check in around that and find a lot more to contemplate in Ep. 28 Selfishness.
See you next week, hopefully we’ll all have a golden goose literal or metaphoric.
A + N
Nina created this playlist for you to be with yourself and perhaps journal through what you need right now. This is offered in an effort to give ourselves what we need so we can be more aware and present when in the company of others.
Why are we selfish?
Selfishness or survival mode? Doesn’t super matter doesn’t feel great.
“Society organizes itself very efficiently to punish, silence or disown truth-tellers.” This article by Rachel Cusk is about rudeness and the social contract which feels like another way of discussing selfishness.
Selfishly I do not want to tell you about the Olga Goose candles Judi Rosen has back in stock because I want to buy all of them and don’t want people to know what I’ll fork over for an entertaining magic candle but alas growth so I share.
Tell us all the things. Where are you being more selfish? Where are you being less?