How bizarre is it that we are born knowing full well our lives will end one day? What are we all supposed to do with that?
Death is universal, has been happening since the beginning of time, no one will escape it and yet the conversation seems…lacking. We have few rituals to cope with what is inevitable, few words that really comfort, or practices.
Do you think about death? We find ourselves on opposite ends of the spectrum. Nina thinks about it a lot, Anna not at all, where do you fall? How do you honor the people you’ve lost?
This episode illustrates why we do this podcast. We want to have conversations on difficult topics that there really isn’t an answer. None of us know how to cope with death or what it will bring. All we can do is speculate and try to live. Figure out where we fall in the spectrum of beliefs.
If we don’t know the meaning of life maybe we can’t know the meaning of death but count on us to spill our thoughts regardless. We hope you enjoy Ep. 27 Death.
Wishing us all many, many, (many) more years before we have to contemplate our mortality.
A+ N
If you want to ease your mind while you feel some feels a soundtrack for it
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