Whenever the topic of forgiveness comes up, Tracy Chapman’s Baby Can I Hold You Tonight comes to mind.
Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like sorry, like sorry
Forgive me
Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like forgive me, forgive me
Maybe it’s being 80’s babies, maybe it’s because her lyrics still list out what seems difficult to come by in forgiveness and apologies but it feels relevant.
The timeline with forgiveness always seems to be skewed. Too soon, or going on much too long in order to serve us.
What does holding on to our pain and slights do for us? Do we think it gives our pain meaning? Do we feel powerful keeping our forgiveness for ourselves and not sharing it with who’s harmed us?
How do we even forgive if we’re opening to doing so?
Who knows but Oscar Wilde had a good take on it, “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”
Who do you need to forgive? What might change in your life if you did? Tell us your secrets, we’re always telling ours.
Bless the opening line of this, “Forgiveness has a PR problem.”
How to write a forgiveness letter
Forgiveness, the pandemic and disability “Alternatively, do we owe each other forgiveness and the benefit of the doubt, and if so, to what extent?”
Animals seem to know what’s up with forgiveness
We can’t know love without forgiveness a film that touches on a lot of themes